How ‘Bout Some Slaw Pa ?

Watching late night television infomercials

you see all sorts of wonderful kitchen gadgets

and wonder how did we live without ’em ? 

here’s how !

with  1890s slaw cutters !!



The Slaw Cutter features 2 count ’em 2 blades to slice and dice

your way through a mountain of cabbage

You’ll have enough Cole Slaw to feed an Army ! 



That’s right, good “Old Fashioned” Cole Slaw just like your Grand Ma made literally !

but wait there’s more call now (if the phone has been invented)

and we’ll throw in the handy basket to hold your cabbage



Mountains and mountains of creamy fresh “Home Made” Cole Slaw made in your very own home !


(cabbage, bandages and tourniquet not included)

Published in: on August 1, 2007 at 5:41 pm  Comments (3)